FEND Week 2

CSS, HTML, Responsive Design
This week I finished the Web Foundations lessons/quizzes and continued my focus on responsive web design. Once I completed the lessons I continued work on the portfolio website project which is due in a couple days. Responsive Design One of the quizzes provided non-responsive html & css files that had to be tweaked to make them responsive. This involved setting relative widths for containers (ex: using width: 100% vs  width: 800px) , padding the a tags (to ensure touch targets are easy to hit on smaller screens) and adding the following meta element within the <head> section of the html to optimize the viewport for mobile devices: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> Here are a couple explanations that go into more detail on the viewport meta tag: Using the viewport meta…
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FEND Week 1

CSS, HTML, Learning Resources, Responsive Design
Kicked off the FEND this week. My focus this week has been working through Web Foundations. These  lessons center around HTML, CSS, efficient code writing, responsive websites, pixel & viewport definition,  what to include in READMEs,  Markdown syntax and last but not least building a project portfolio site. About half of the course topics for Web Foundations I've already completed from my Grow with Google challenge earlier this year.  To avoid rework of completed topics I'm familiar with (HTML, CSS) I'm focusing on the responsive design topics and started on the portfolio site project.  Although the bulk of the HTML & CSS topics are completed, I can go back and review any of the Udacity completed course topics if needed. Stuff I learned: HTML I reviewed a few HTML topics for…
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