DOM manipulation using JavaScript

DOM Manipulation Using JavaScript The theme for the last couple weeks has been DOM manipulation using JavaScript as I've worked on finishing up the Memory Game project. A big piece of the memory game project is using DOM methods to change HTML elements and updating the elements to reflect actions taken in the game. Examples would be the timer starting and stopping, move counter increasing by one each time two cards were opened and the star rating decreasing based on total moves made. Event listeners Event listeners are methods that wait for a particular action to occur before they fire. For the Memory Game project, event listeners are primarily set up in response to card click events. An example would be clicking a card which in turn kicks off code…
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FEND Week 3

Portfolio website project Turned in. Passed with flying colors . No big recommended changes so I've moved onto the next section Web Programming with JavaScript. I would share the project but it isn't online because I'm too lazy to host images somewhere to refer to remotely for the project. At some point I will go back and do just that then update this post with a link. JavaScript Most of the JavaScript lessons (data types & variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays & objects) were already completed during the challenge course.  As they were very recently completed, I've focused on syntax, shell workshop, version control, git repos this week. buhbye var hello let and const During the three month challenge course variables were declared using  the keyword var . It seems that…
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